The Italian Verb Files
For our next Italian verb of The Italian Verb Files we are going to look at… DARE!
DARE means “to give” in English. However, there are plenty of other uses for “dare” in expressions and phrases that give it different meanings too.
DARE is irregular in many tenses so make sure to double check when you are conjugating it, if you are unsure.

DARE - Italian Verb Conjugation Table

Click to download for FREE! — The Italian Verb Files – Verb Conjugation – Dare
This Italian Verb Conjugation Chart with DARE shows you the most common Italian verb tenses (3 more subjunctive verb tenses not on here).
Use it as a quick and easy reference sheet for your Italian verb conjugation!
DARE with "per" for assumptions
One way that DARE is frequently used (and that is really useful to know about!) is in combination with preposition “per”.
In English, “dare per” (+ certo / finito / morto / perso / ecc.) can be translated as: to assume / to presume / to consider.
For example:
“My shoes! By now, I’d considered them lost!” = Le mie scarpe! Ormai, le avevo date per perse!
“Giorgio won? I’d assumed he was finished (a goner) after his fall!” = Ha vinto Giorgio? L’avevo dato per finito dopo la sua caduta!
There are plenty of other examples and words that can follow “dare per”. Keep a look out for them in your reading or as you are listening to Italian conversations.

Italian Expressions with "DARE"
Next up, we have some common Italian expressions that use DARE:
- dare per scontato = to take something for granted
- dare un esame = to take an exam
- dare fastidio = to annoy / bother
- dare un’occhiata = to take a look
- dare la colpa = to blame
- dare i numeri = to go crazy
- dare il benvenuto = to welcome
- darsi a qualcosa = to dedicate yourself to something (another English equivalent is to “throw yourself into something”)
- dare il cinque = to give a high five
- darsi per vinto = to give up
- darci dentro = to work hard
- dare fuoco = to light a fire
- dare addosso = to attack (physically or verbally)
- dare ai nervi / dare sui nervi = to get on one’s nerves
- dare su = to have a view of / to overlook
- darsi da fare = to get to work / get busy
- dare la mano = to shake hands / hold hands
- dare una festa = to throw a party
- darsi delle arie = to show off / be full of oneself
- dare ascolto = to pay attention to
Thanks for reading! I hope you discovered some new ways to use DARE and some interesting Italian expressions along the way!
Did I miss an Italian expression or idiom with DARE that you like? Have you heard many of these before? Let me know in the comments!
If you are interested in more Italian idioms and expressions with common verbs, check out my posts on the Italian verbs VENIRE and AVERE!