Italian Verb Board Games
These Italian board games are great to use for warm-ups or to make verb review a bit more interesting!
I usually give one die to groups of 4-5 students and ask them to make sentences with the verbs that they land on. The verb tense that we use for the conjugations is based on the unit we are covering at the time. For the subject of the sentence, it is based on what number comes up on the die – eg. #1 = io, #2 = tu, etc. I circulate throughout the class and if there are any questions about sentence structure or vocabulary, I can quickly answer them.
I included a few variations:
- ARE verbs
- ERE verbs
- IRE verbs
- Reflexive verbs
- All kinds of verbs!
Take a look to see which ones might work well for your classroom! **All are FREE to download!** Laminating is always a great option so that you can keep them for future use.
Click on the links that say “DOWNLOAD ME” under each game for the .PNG files! It will open a new window with the image. Click on the arrow in the top right corner and the option to download it will be there.
Italian Board Game - ARE verbs

Italian Board Game - ERE verbs

Italian Board Game - IRE verbs

Italian Board Game - Reflexive verbs

Italian Board Game - All different verbs

I hope these are helpful for your Italian classes and that your students have fun playing! If you have any comments or suggestions I’d be happy to hear them.