English / ESL Conversation Questions - The Olympics
These English / ESL conversation questions are all about THE OLYMPICS! Get your students talking about their favourite sports to watch, who they cheer for, and what they enjoy about the Olympics.
Take the conversation questions that you like from the list or download the FREE PDF file that you see down below!

English / ESL Conversation Questions List - The Olympics Theme
- Do you enjoy watching the Olympics? What sport do you watch the most?
- Do you prefer the Winter Olympics or the summer Olympics?
- If you could participate in the Olympics, which sport would it be?
- What sport is your country good at?
- What sport would you like to add to the Olympics?
- Do you feel proud when your country wins medals?
- What do you think the most difficult sport is? The easiest sport?
- Do you have a favourite Olympic athlete?
- Do you think that athletes should win a lot of money for winning Olympic medals? How much?
- Do you think it is better to watch the Olympics in person or on the TV? Does that depend on the sport?
- What do you think is the LEAST interesting Olympic sport?
- Why do you think that some countries have more medals than others?
- Do you think that the Olympics are important?
- Do you usually cheer for athletes from your own country?
- Where do you think the Olympics should be held next? Why?
- Do you think that there is a lot of cheating at the Olympics? Give an example.
- Do you know anyone who has been in the Olympics?
- What is your best memory of the Olympics?
English / ESL Conversation Questions - Free PDF Download

Click to download for FREE! — English Conversation Questions – The Olympics
Do you have other fun conversation questions about the Olympics that your ESL / EFL students enjoy talking about? Let me know in the comments!
Want more conversation questions? Check out my post with ESL Conversation questions related to SUMMER –> CLICK HERE!
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